Blog Post


  • By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries
  • 17 May, 2020

Online Service | May 3rd

A recap of last week's message "Can't Give Up Now" 
You can find this message on out Youtube Channel : Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries
By Jeff Terrelonge June 14, 2020
We truly do not know our strength until we come together in UNITY where we can make the difference and change can really start. 
Bishop Jeff preached a teaching on Unity during Last weeks's service, were he talks about what it means to be a united front..... be sure to check it out on our Youtube Channel at  or every Sunday on our Welcome Page here!

Stay blessed Saints and Stay united in the fight for Christ and the fight for Equality.
By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries June 7, 2020
Last Week our Bishop gave us a much needed sermon titled: God is our Refuge and Strength. In times of trouble we turn to God as an instinct because even if we have strayed away from Christ we know that He will bring us out and that He is a reliable, go-to father. Let us remain in the faith and stay strong even as we are being tested. Watch this message on our youtube channel: pray that each and everyone of you is staying safe and finding time to talk to Jesus. 
By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries May 3, 2020
A Recap of last weeks message!Last week our Bishop Terrelonge delivered a moving message titled The Next Chapter. As we go through life and try to find out next accomplishment in life or the next purpose - this message brings us back to our roots: CHRIST. He is always in control of our lives and He is who gives us the Next Chapter.
By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries April 26, 2020
Last week our Bishop preached a message titled 'Be strong.' It is a powerful message to help each and everyone of us try and get through this difficult time that we are facing. We have to be strong in our faith so that we are able to reach those who do not have a personal relationship with Christ.We pray that you all are staying safe and staying Strong! God Bless!
By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries April 19, 2020
Last week was Holy Week were we celebrated Christ rising from the dead. If you are interested in watching last weeks message you can find it on our Youtube Channel : Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries or with this link

WE pray that each and everyone of you stay blessed and stay safe!
By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries April 12, 2020
Here you can find last week's message titled King of Kings and Lord Of Lords. This was posted on our Youtube channel last Sunday! Due to Covoid-19 we were not physically able to worship God in His temple but that does not stop us from continuing to worship him. We pray that this Holy week has been a blessing to you and that this has brought you a little closer to Christ. Many Blessings TCC Ministry
By Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries April 5, 2020
To see last weeks message here:
By Jeff Terrelonge March 29, 2020
A recap of Sundays Message - Can be found on our Youtube channel: Tabernacle Christian Center Ministries
By Couple's Ministry May 16, 2019
Once a month our couples ministry gets to together for a night of love, laughter, food, and education. Every month they have a different theme and topic of what transpires during that evening. 
All who are in a relationship, married, engaged are welcomed to join and take part in the festivities.  
By Joshua Osorio July 1, 2018
I was looking at old photos and I saw an image of myself, from a time before I re-found my faith. 
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